Amoove21 - Agricultural Mo(o)ve with 21st century skills.
Amoove21 is an Erasmus+ KA2 project which brings together students and professionals from five Agricultural VET (Vocational Education and Training) colleges in four different counties. In December 2019, teachers from Vonk (former Clusius College) in the Netherlands, Munkagards Gymnasiet in Sweden, Skjetlein Videregaende Skole in Norway, Axxell in Finland and Aeres in the Netherlands started working together on this project.

Within Amoove21, agricultural VET students, teachers and professionals are working together, cooperating and learning from each other by following a virtual assignment and an international learning unit.These accredited units have been created and tested during the project and form a coherent module which starts in your own classroom. All cooperating students from different schools and countries follow a virtual unit by using eTwinning, followed by an actual training at the different VET college’s and local organizations. Students will meet other students online and in real life to learn about the similarities and differences in their field of education and culture.
Amoove21 focusses on three main fields of education:
- Livestock & dairy farming
- Equine & horse management
- Animal care
Confirmed new dates for Equine:
- May 10 - May 31 2023, Equine virtual assignment, working together online.
- September 25 - October 6 2023, Equine units in Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. 2 week student exchange in three different countries!
- Spring 2023, Animal Care, Vonk, the Netherlands
- September 25 - October 8 2022, Equine Management, Vonk, the Netherlands
- September 25 - October 8 2022, Cheese Processing, Vonk, the Netherlands
- May 1 - May 25 2022, Virtual assignment Equine Management, Vonk, the Netherlands
- May 1 - June 3 2022, Virtual assignment on Cheese Processing, Aeres College, Netherlands
- March 27 - April 8 2022, Animal Care, Munkagårds Gymnasiet,Sweden
- September 13 - November 11 2021, Virtual assignment Animal Care, Munkagårds Gymnasiet, Sweden
- November 1 - November 14 2021, Livestock Dairy, Skjetlein Vidergående Skole, Norway
- May 12 - May 28 2021, Livestock Dairy, Skjetlein Vidergående Skole, Norway

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342